Donnerstag, 15. September 2011

I'm still alive :)

Hello guys.

I've been quite silent for a while now but I'm still alive and here's a new post to prove it. ;-)

Sadly there's not so much news I could share with you. I'm very proud of my former "Hand aufs Herz" colleague Kasia: She made it to the cast of "Anna und die Liebe" and I'm sure she is going to inspire us all as "Olivia". 

I would like to show you some of my newest gifts I've got. Thank you so much - I really appreciate to get such nice things *hug*
So here they are: 

And last but not least: something I would call my newest "baby"... ;-) All of you who tinker with the idea of writing me a letter and asking for an autograph may be suprised to get one of these:

P.S. : Please use the address posted in my blog's details so you can be sure to get one of these. 
I wish you a wonderfull night and sweet dreams. ;-)

6 Kommentare:

  1. 1. cooler blogpost :)
    2. yeah du hast unsre/deine tasche gepostet :D *freu**hüpf**spring** ;)
    3. coooooole autogrammkarte :) werde dir wohl nochmal post schrieben :P have a nice day ;) glg

  2. ist gut zu sehen, dass du lebst hehehe. Gute Nacht

  3. Du kriegst schon ne menge cooler geschenke, franci :-) Und die Autogrammkarte ist seeehr schön :)

    Grüße und gute Nacht!


  4. Juuhuuu dann werde ich dir nochmal einen Brief zukommen lassen und mein Geschenk werd ich gleich mit schicken. Freu mich über die neue total schöööne Autogrammkarte ;D
    glg und eine wunderschöne gute Nacht


  5. Thanks for the new blog post.. :) Very cool gifts indeed...!

  6. Hello from the US! I just wanted to tell you that I've just written you a letter and I'm so excited to send it come Monday.
